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Introducing Jason, Still I Run's Chief Running Coach!

Why I became a coach

I became a coach for a couple reasons.  The first being I just absolutely love running.  Running is my passion, and learning about running and everything that goes with it is something I strive to do every day.  I thought the next step would be getting certified so I could officially put what I know to work. The second but most important reason is I love seeing people reach their goals.  I’ve helped friends in the past with their training. Seeing them finish and hitting their goals was amazing. I got more joy and happiness out of that than hitting my PRs. I want to see more people experience the joy those friends had.  

Why I run

Running is my passion now.  I love it. It is therapy for me.  When I am running everything just drifts away.  Running has also made me a better person. Running is a stress reducer and helps with the depression and anxiety.  I’m happiest when I am out on a run. When I’m out there on a run I feel free from everything.  

Connecting with Still I Run

Still I Run and its community has had a huge impact on my life.  Both helped me get through the most difficult time in my life when my depression was at its worse.  Because of that, I am truly grateful to Still I Run and the members of the community. Connecting with Still I Run is my way of giving back to the community.  I know what running and the support of the community did for me, and I want to do that for anyone else who is struggling and needs that support. Having a plan and setting goals helps and helped me in my situation.  Offering my services is a way for anyone to do that. I want to help this community out through the therapy of running. Everyone give Jason a big welcome as our new Chief Running Coach!


By Sasha Wolff

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