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Sasha Wolff

2021 Still I Run Ambassador Spotlight: Shoshana Gordon

Updated: Jan 22, 2022

Our next Still I Run ambassador spotlight is on the lovely Shoshana! If you’ve been a part of the Still I Run community, she may look a bit familiar to you. She’s one of our returning ambassadors! If you’d like to keep up with her journey of running for mental health, and advocacy for bringing awareness to eating disorders, you can follow Shoshana on Instagram @sg_fitnesshealth.

In a few sentences, tell us about yourself

I’m a mom to two teenage girls and a rescue pup. I’m truly passionate about fitness and health. I am a Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor, but I also have my Master’s Degree in Social Work.

Why are you passionate about running for mental health?

As someone who struggles with anxiety, dealt with depression and an eating disorder and as a health professional myself I know the importance of fitness not just for one’s physical health, but mental health too. Running is an activity that anyone can do. You don’t need a membership and you can fit it in your schedule when it works for you. This makes it a great option for almost anyone. I also want to help erase the stigma around mental illness by speaking up about my own struggles and sharing about what mental illness is truly about.

2021 Still I Run Ambassador Spotlight: Shoshana Gordon

Do you have a running mantra?

Positive Mental Attitude is my overall mantra for life. It’s about trying to find the positive even when I don’t feel that way. While running I find myself saying “You Got This” when I’m struggling up a hill or just in general.

Where is your favorite place to run?

Along the Willamette River in Portland, Oregon.

What are you most proud of (running or non running related)?

Raising my two girls – Especially as a single mom for the last 12 years.

Favorite running moment you’d love to re-live?

Hood to Coast 2018

What’s your favorite way to recover after a run?

Chocolate milk or foofy coffee drink and stretching

What’s one fun fact most people don’t know about you?

I’m actually an introvert…Extroverted Introvert

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Sushi and donuts (I know that’s two)

Is a hot dog a sandwich?


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