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Any day can be Random Acts of Kindness Day!

National Random Acts of Kindness Day happens every year on February 17th. Members of the running community continuously support each other. We can do so many things to show kindness to each other!

Several runners shared favorite Random Acts of Kindness they’ve experienced:

“I was running on the other side of the street from someone. As we passed, he clapped for me. I laughed and waved. I run like the winded and I am super slow but I keep going. It was super cool.” – Lisa N.

“I had a lady stop me and talk to me about how her and her husband see me running all the time and call each other to say they’ve seen me. But the best part…she said “be careful” on those roads. I almost started crying because she cared.” – Jennifer

“When I was rehabbing my hip, Lois said “I’ll run with you! And by “run” I mean whatever you are doing that day for rehab.” – Lisa A.

“My husband and Dad supported me on a virtual marathon I competed last April when my in-person marathon was canceled! They drove around meeting me at various spots. Then my brother and sister-in-love held a scarf out as a finish line!” – Carla

“When I was having TFL issues (but didn’t know that’s what it was) during the Colfax Half, and had to stop running and start walking at mile 5, I told my friend to just keep going, that I didn’t know if I could even finish. He refused to leave me, and walked the last 8 miles with me, even though I was super slow by the end. He also refused to let me go off to the side of the road and give up and call an Uber. He’s the only reason I managed to finish that.” – Michelle

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop

“My friend Carolyn drove 2 hours away to cheer me on during a 10 miler. That was the only time I have ever had someone there for me, specifically me, during any run or race.” – Karla “As a newbie trying to get in shape and looking to find something challenging (w/a half marathon goal) I decided to give running a try. My friend helped me tremendously by fielding a hodge-podge of questions during the past year. This included everything from how the typical race is organized to things to think about with my training. I would have been on a runner’s ‘island’ without having you as a sounding board. Your feedback has made the entire experience much smoother and enjoyable! It is greatly appreciated.” – Dan “An elderly man that sits on his porch by my house stands up and claps for me when he’s out and I run by. It makes me feel amazing.” – Amanda

Your Random Acts of Kindness Make a Difference!

“The year my husband lived in Florida for a new job and our girls were 3 and 5. I had qualified for the Boston Marathon but was really struggling to find time to fit in the training runs, especially the longer ones. I had a friend who would sometimes just drop by my house and kick me out the door so I could get a run in. She also planned many weekend outings with my girls so I could do the long runs.” – Laura

“The year I decided to start running, I joined a running club. I didn’t want to splurge on a new pair of shoes because I felt like I needed to “earn” them by attending “x” number of sessions first. The shoes I had were many years old and had been heavily used for walking, gardening, etc. One day, just before running club was about to begin, my husband came home and handed me a brand-new pair of Sauconys that he bought for me at our local running store. The shoes were amazing and the most comfortable pair of running shoes I had ever owned. I honestly think they helped me stick with it. It also helped me understand how important a good pair of shoes are, especially as you get older.” – Heather

“My friend connected me to my first running group. The first real running group I was a part of, loved all the support!” – Mary A.

“When I was training for my first half marathon and I was still nervous to get out of my comfort zone, I ran circles around eastlake. (Also, I didn’t have a fancy watch to know distances but I knew it was 1.4 miles around.) So, as I’m running and lapping the same people, there would be strangers who would ask how many more I had to go. They would high five me and encourage me to keep going! It was great to feel that community!!” – Melanie

A little kindness goes a long way!

“I was down at Walt Disney World for the princess weekend. I wasn’t officially doing the challenge, but did all 3 races. For the half, I started in the last corral, but pretty much ran straight through until hitting Magic Kingdom. I had stopped for a few pictures. I ran into a girl I knew from Denver, so we took a few pictures together. She was hurting. She had spent too much time playing in the parks the days before so the miles were really wearing on her.

I asked if she wanted a running buddy for a couple miles. She said yes. I stayed with her for the entire second half of the half marathon, barely in front of the balloon ladies. I could have walked faster than we were running, but stayed running to keep her going. We went over the bridge and they had swept the remainder of the runners behind us. I kept talking to her and telling her she could make the finish. We managed to stay ahead of the balloon ladies, and she was able to finish the half marathon and get all her challenge medals. I was there on a charity bib, so I felt like it was my role that day to help someone else.” – Lois

Runners have huge hearts!

“During the Disneyland Half one year, the temps were near the 100’s. Without Shari bringing me (and the new friends I met) ice, I’m not sure I would have made it. Also, I ended up being the group leader by the end. We were running 10 seconds and walking 50 only because everyone’s feet hurt while walking, but we were all too hot and tired to actually run. So, I started the intervals and invited others to join. It took 4 hours to complete the half that year, but 25 of my new friends and I finished and couldn’t have been more proud! And I’m still FB friends with every last one of them and can tell you about their lives.” – Chris “I have had so many friends come run a few miles or more with me on my long training runs. They have helped get me through some of my worst running moments. I am beyond grateful for my running friends.” – Shari

“When a friend did my longest run during marathon training with me. That was one of the biggest things for me in my running. Also having 2 ambassadors that are Boston qualifiers “run” a 5k with me and they got me to run the whole thing and they didn’t care about the slow pace” – Tiffany L.

What about you?

Have you experienced a Random Act of Kindness? We’d love to hear your story. Please click Lend Your Voice and write a post sharing how you, another runner, or anyone shared a Random Act of Kindness


By Cori Canty Woessner

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